City Hall

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In 2021, the City of Cleveland received the eighth largest allocation of America Rescue Plan & Recovery Act (ARPA) funds, totaling $511 million over two years. The City received half of these dollars in Fall 2021 and will receive the remainder in Summer 2022.

Mayor Bibb’s Rescue & Transformation Plan outlines a priorities and process for maximizing the use of federal funds including APRA, the Infrastructure Innovation and Jobs Act (IIJA) and other legislation still under development that is expected over the next few years.

Center for Economic Recovery

A key part of Mayor Bibb’s plan is the launch of the Center for Economic Recovery, a strategic policy team that will engage with Cleveland City Council to shape and evaluate ideas for ARPA-funded projects that address our most urgent challenges.

The Center for Economic Recovery will equitably and strategically assess applications for APRA-funding using the same evaluation criteria to make strategic decisions to achieve our long-term vision.


Mayor Bibb’s Rescue & Transformation Plan identifies ten priorities for federal funding that will make an impact on the everyday lives of Clevelanders.

Stabilizing the budget

APRA-funds were primarily intended to assist cities with revenue replacement that was lost due to the impacts of COVID-19.

Inclusive economic recovery

We’re moving away from managing decline to making investments that drive growth in Cleveland’s neighborhoods that have been overlooked or excluded in the past.

Housing for all

Affordable housing and investments that drive wealth creation and homeownership.

Violence prevention & public safety

A comprehensive approach to public safety invests in initiatives that address the root causes of violence and crime. We must invest in our communities and in our first responders to build the trust and implement proven programs focused on proactive intervention and prevention. ​

Closing the digital divide

Thirty percent of residents don’t have internet or reliable wi-fi or broadband services. We’re committed to making targeted investments to close the digital divide and make internet access more affordable and accessible.

Education for everyone

From newborns to adult learners, from student to CEO, improving education is the foundation of our future. We must support learning at all ages, inside and outside the classroom to improve literacy rates, college and work readiness.

Lead-safe Cleveland

Cleveland is facing a lead crisis. Nearly 90% of our housing stock was built before lead paint was outlawed. We must put a stop to this public health emergency to make properties lead-safe and ensure no more children are impacted by the dangers of lead exposure.

Arts & neighborhood amenities

Cleveland is a city on the rise and our arts, recreation, parks, cultural treasures and other amenities should reflect that. ​ Cleveland's 17 wards can identify important neighborhood projects and advocate for change at the hyper-local level in partnership with City Council. ​

Civil Participation Fund

Cleveland's 17 wards can identify important neighborhood projects and advocate for change at the hyper-local level in partnership with City Council. ​


Cleveland Economic Recovery Plan Process

Evaluation Principles

The Center for Economic Recovery will evaluate all requests for funding based on the same set of evaluation principles to ensure all decisions are made strategically, equitably and transparently. In addition to the principles outlined below, the Center will use an Evaluation Guide to assess and evaluate funding requests.

Strategic alignment

Does this project support the achievement of one of the administration's priority areas for investment?

Measurable outcomes

Does the project have a clear and measurable effect on the lives of residents with metrics to determine success?

Equity & inclusion

Does this project increase access and opportunity for the people of Cleveland in a fair, open and equitable way?

Community impact

Does this initiative have a positive impact on the lives of Clevelanders by increasing their quality of life or by increasing access to jobs and opportunity?

Global competitiveness & differentiation

Does the project position Cleveland as a city in which to live, work or build a business? Is it unique or novel?

Financial leverage & support

If this project is funded through use of ARPA dollars, are other private, public or non-profit entities committed to financially supporting the initiative?


Does this initiative prioritize long-term impact over short term gains?

Environmental sustainability

Does the project help mitigate climate change and achieve sustainability goals?


What is the American Rescue Plan?

The American Rescue Plan (ARP) is a federal law that was signed by President Biden on March 11, 2021. The ARP focuses on supporting the most vulnerable communities and businesses. The law grants about $1.85 trillion in relief funding for individuals and local governments.

How much funding will Cleveland receive?

Cleveland expects to receive $51 million from the American Rescue Plan. These are one-time funds that must be allocated by December 31, 2024 and spent by December 31, 2026.

What is the Center for Economic Recovery?

It's a strategic policy team composed of the Mayor’s Cabinet and senior leaders that centralizes all federal funding requests and makes recommendations for investment.

Who is involved?

The Center for Economic Recovery is composed of nine Chiefs and senior leaders from the Mayor’s Cabinet including the Chief Financial Officer, Chief of Government Affairs, Chief of Plan and other senior leaders that will meet to analyze requests for American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds and use the evaluation principles and guide to make recommendations to Mayor Bibb and City Council for investments.

How can I contact the Center for Economic Recovery?

The Center for Economic Recovery is not accepting applications for funding at this time. Questions about this Plan or the Center can be directed to The Bibb administration is committed to transparency and will provide regular updates about projects and an annual report on APRA-funded projects.